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Comments from Students about my Teaching


I frequently solicit feedback from students, and of course receive many suggestions for improvement!

"I just took my MCAT exam and...... I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH. All of the concepts you taught, all the (at the time annoying) calculations you made us do without a calculator, all the application questions on your exams rather than just straight formula and math questions... every single one was worth it. It did pay off (as you promised)! Everything you taught stuck, and I thought you should know that. Don't change the structure of your class ever because, even though your students may not know it at the time (as I did not), your class helps with future classes and exams, while also teaching skills that are timeless. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for playing a key role in teaching me problem-solving skills and critical thinking in a subject that I have never been too fond of. Thank you for challenging me."


"I can safely say that you are the only professor I've had who I felt was genuinely concerned about her students learning and did her best to ensure that our grades were a reflection of that. Learning physics from you felt like being let in on the truths of the world and the way things operate rather than just another academic subject. I feel that it's easy for many professors to forget that each student is a person with aspirations and goals rather than just numbers on a screen, but throughout the entire quarter you were extraordinarily supportive toward the 500 or so individuals you taught, with offers of mental health help and grades counseling alike--even shifting the way you lectured when you received feedback from your students. Thank you very much again for your thoughtful (and very effective) teaching."


"I just wanted to express how much I miss your class. Having office hours and Piazza where students can interact and solve problems together really helped me learn physics."


“I never took Physics in high school so it was kind of scary taking a college level physics class. However, I feel that Dr. Shaked made my first experience with physics very enjoyable. Even though her classes are fast paced, she makes sure nobody feels left out and actually listens to student feedback through surveys. She interacts greatly with the students and helps in every way possible.” 


"Before I started the class, I was very fearful of the subject.  I really liked your teaching style and encouragements, and with it, I grew confident that I could solve any question as long as I could break it down (and had enough experience with the concept).  You are a really awesome teacher (I like when you try to connect it with life science, like the power stroke muscle question.)"


"It was definitely your interactive way of teaching that definitely made physics a class beyond equations and memorization but rather one that we can actually think  and apply to our daily lives."


"Your office hours have been the most relaxed yet helpful office hours I've attended at UCLA and I just want to thank you for your time and dedication to student learning this quarter."


"I thoroughly enjoyed your class, not only did it help me overcome my anxiety about physics, but it ignited a passion that I am now very excited to pursue. It is difficult for me to put into words how much I appreciate what you have done for me and your grace in taking the time to work with me on a more personal level."




About the Real World Applications


"I’ve learned how the different chapters that we learned flow into one another. We use different concepts to map out a scenario but it all flows together and is not divided by any strict lines."


"I see now how physics is much more applicable in the world than I imagined - it greatly interests me regarding applying physics to our bodies and the medical world - even sports!"


"Initially, I thought that this project was just tedious, but after presenting this to younger students, who do not necessarily know anything about physics, it was really rewarding."


"This RWA has taught me how much physics can be applied to everyday life. In addition, when thinking if something would be dangerous or not, I can just think of some physics concepts and figure out if I would die or not."


"I learned a lot doing this RWA! I’m not particularly fond of physics, but I do plan to go on to a health related field. I found it interesting just how much physics is involved in the mechanics of medicine. I learned so much about other medical instruments that use physics like MRI machines and Prenatal Ultrasounds. I really found it interesting how waves can penetrate the skin to assist in healing, and I would love to learn more about the biological aspect of it now that I’m familiar with the physics. In terms of the audience evaluation, I was surprised to see how many people responded to say that their interest in physics grew after this presentation. My own roommate watched it and was impressed at how much physics is integrated with real-life application and even started to ask me more questions about it!"


Facebook post of a student advertising her RWA: "This summer quarter I have enrolled in Physics 6A. It's only been 3.5 weeks and I have already learned so much! It's crazy to think that practically everything that we do involves physics! Take a look around you, do you see something moving, spinning, sliding, or even standing still? It has physical laws that are behind it! Take the amusement park Knott's Berry Farm for example! Each and every ride at the park follows strict physical laws!"


"I just want to say thank you for a great class and being a great professor. During the first days of the class, I did not appreciate enough your teaching method, and...I thought I would not enjoy the class. However, I then realized that really reading and understanding the materials before coming to class helps me understand the material deeper and better, and that I don't forget what I learnt anytime soon. I really liked the interactive videos that you prepared for us every week. I know that it takes a lot of your time and you put a lot of thought in it for us. A lot of people will agree with me that you are always a caring professor who wants to make the class more enjoyable for us, and we all appreciate that. Before taking 6A, I disliked Physics. After 6A, I stopped disliking Physics, but I did not like it yet. After being in your class, I grew interested in Physics and have tried to understand daily phenomena through the scope of Physics. I know that what we learnt in this class is only 1 piece of sand in the ocean, but I am really happy that I have learnt some valuable things."


"I wanted to thank you because I find myself using your (Find, Given, Equation, Solve, Check) method in my other classes even though at the time of your class I thought it was tedious."


"Before starting this course, I was scared and intimidated, but now I'm all nuts for physics! I was the shy student that never went to office hours and didn't put much work into anything. This course was enjoyable as much as it was challenging and I think your teaching methods were very influential in that. Never for a second, did I "hate" physics. Even if the problems were seemingly impossible to solve, I never hated it."


“I just wanted to say thank you so much for being my favorite professor at UCLA so far! I really appreciate your positive attitude, and how you prioritize us and our understanding of physics. Thank you for giving us endless opportunities to master the material and to seek help. Whenever I do homework with my friends now I like to refer to them as "homework parties" too! I really appreciate all the time and energy you put into every lecture and every slide in this class.”


"You probably don't know me since I did not attend any office hours, but I just ..wanted to say thank you for being a great professor. It's really rare to meet a professor so dedicated and concerned about the learning of their students and I really enjoyed taking your class. It was a nice change having a professor who actually used student feedback and changed the class accordingly. I also really enjoyed reading all the emails you sent out with extra fun tips or facts at the end and the fun demos you always did in lecture. I think I'll always remember the one where you laid down between two beds of nails and had a hammer smashed into you. I hope this wasn't too random of an email, as you don't really know me, but have a great Spring Break!"


"Just wanted to send you a quick note saying thanks so much. I am currently taking 6B and am using all my Find, Know, etc. procedures. The tools you gave me in 6A are really coming in handy. Thank you so so so much for the wonderful preparation. Can’t thank you enough."


"I absolutely adore the interactive videos you upload - they are so helpful to see the concepts in the text book more formally applied before you do so in class, as it helps me to better remember and connect concepts."

In the interest of being fully transparent, this folder contains the UNEDITED official student evaluations from the last few courses I've taught. (These are not always fun for me to read, but they are more comprehensive than comments on other sites students may use, which is why I choose to share them here.) In general, my introductory physics courses have average student course grades of B or B+ (since there is no curve, everyone is capable of getting an A!); and students have higher than average learning gains. This discrepancy between student evaluations and student learning is consistent with published studies. Still, I continue to strive to both help students learn AND help them enjoy the process!

But I also hear messages of appreciation. Below are some student comments that represent what I am aiming for students to get out of my teaching.

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